31 Januari 2010

Kebaya Lamaran

Eventhough the lamaran is due next month, but I do feel a lot better when preparing myself...
Couldn't feel any happier when I googled kebaya lamaran...
God, don't you just looovveeee PINK??
I like the design, its very romantic and simple.. I love the puff sleeve on the shoulder...
Its already modificated to a modern kebaya but its OK..its still cute,tho...LOL
I might copy it and take it to the tailor rightaway but as I googled along, I found another design that looks wrilly cute...
I can pretty much imagine myself wearing one of these pretty kebaya....with batik and a simple updo and make up...
After long haul of googling, I called my favorite tailor of all time..MR. TATANG,asked him the price to made a kebaya and he said the price is around 300rb to 5Mil rupiah for a wedding kebaya...I'm still confused whether to made one or just simply rent it, Cami said if the price were about the same, I should made the kebaya..but as we all know, the price of making one kebaya could be more than 500rb... I can save A LOT by just rent it...
Hey, its global crisis right now..we should do everything to save anything that we can... Right guys??
Guarantee to make a second proposal maybe?? HAHA...ROTFL
Anyway, I've just checked out the other post that I send from my blackberry and it looks SUPERB...
More to come from the BB for sure...


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