19 November 2010

New Family Member

I present you....
My new baby...(Hey its not Ƌ real baby anyway...but its still cute)
Her name is Bibus, she's Ƌ shih tzu and just looovvveeee to cuddle and playing around...

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21 September 2010

Big Family Gathering

Don't you just loovveee Ƌ big big family...last week my family and my fiancee family gather around at my family's Golf field...it was Ƌ very very Fun and entertaining gathering...I LOVE MY FAMILY

By the way, do I look as Ƌ mom on this photo??
Am I ready to be Ƌ mom?
Нɑнaнɑ=Dнaнaɑº°˚ ˚°º≈=)) =))™

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11 September 2010

Ice Skating Frenzy

Yesterday me and my nieces went to Ice Garden at PVJ in Bandung...
After ages without skating, the doubt grew inside..LOL..FYI I used to skate when I was Ƌ kid back in UK but those were 10 years ago...

I started Ƌ little awkward, but finally get Ƌ grip and could smile and take pictures...

The ice garden was on top of the PVJ building, it was Ƌ medium size skate rink(so for those of u who loves speed,don't ever think about it)..it was also cheap, by just paying IDR75K you can skate as long as you want...nice ha? Its Ƌ good bargain comparing to MTA skyrink in Jakarta... Blah! Just give it Ƌ try guys... Enjoy ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ

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Eidl Fitr Joy

Happy Eid Mubarak all...
Here's another happy pictures of our family...

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Happy Family

Just want to share you the joyful pics of Eidl Fitr

8 September 2010

Happy Eidl Fitr everyone!

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Desired Object

I think every ladies should own at least one black leather pumps for any occasion, aite?

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Crazy things we do at the Office...

Do you really think that we were working???
We eat...
We dance...
I nearly kissed THE MASK
And that's it...

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Narcissistic Part 2 ( I think)

Last September 3 was my Boyfie Birthday...we headed out to eat Pizza as well as breakfasting... We couldn't resist of taking pictures.. So here it is (hope you're not vomit) Нɑнaнɑ=Dнaнaɑº°˚ ˚°º≈=)) =))™

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Kembang Goela

Last week my department has been invited to Ƌ breakfasting gig at kembang goela restaurant (thanks to JPMorgan Chase Bank) my first opinion on it was its Luxurious...everything is pricey here with Ƌ cause(of course)
Our appetizer is sosis oom yance.. Ƌ one meter (yes,meter) long of home made chicken sausage... Geez... For the main course, we had sayur kecimpring, dendeng balado (more like krupuk to me),nasi bakar cakalang, ikan peda bu oot and sayur buntut...
For the dessert we had poffertjes, pancakes and ice cream...
My office mates were FULLY LOADED so they decided to walk on our way back to the office...Нɑнaнɑ=Dнaнaɑº°˚ ˚°º≈=)) =)) Nice,nice,nice and thank you JPMorgan Chase Bank...

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Koffie doeloe

Its an old photo of me and boyfie on showing how narcissistic we are LOL...JK
This place is very vintage, its an old dutch house I suppose. The owner didn't do much of Ƌ renovation so the vintage aura is yet to feel...
Nice coffee, nice ambience...
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Universal Studios it is...

Should I say more? You know where to scream for fun...

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I love Central Park

Today I went to Central Park with Boyfie...my first impression was it is HUGE, its not BIG,its HUGE I'm telling ya... My favourite part of this mall ( I actually don't understand why they called it central park just because it has Ƌ beautiful park, its still Ƌ mall FYI) its the park...it is lovely, and I saw some little girls riding segway along the park's path..Yep! That SEGWAY... Its kinda cute and new in town...I always adore park and think I could have Ƌ little picnic there ( what's on ur mind,adis? Ya think its Hyde Park??) Which its absolutely forbidden...
Oh and on the Ground floor, I saw these turkish people spinning around...apa ya namanya?

Anyway, enjoy the pics...

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I want this wedding gown

I am Ƌ bad bad blogger my friend...
I haven't posted anything since 4 months ago... SORRY...
Anyway...due to my new and modest look, all of our marriage theme has been changed(like totally) so I have to re organize and rerun everything... But I don't feel bad about it... Its my decision and everyone being really supportive to me...so I think we're gonna be OK...

Oh, and for this pic...
Its Irna La Perle design... I want this please...LOL

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sushi tei 1.jpeg

New Look...
This is real, this is me... I hope to seek GOD forgiven...
What dyou think of my new look??

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4 Juli 2010

Foto Pre Wed

Waahhhh setelah sekian lama sibuk, baru sempat lagi update blog...
By the way...ini hasil foto2 pre wed yang masih asal2an...

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21 Februari 2010

Pre Wed Trial And Error

Satu dari hasil coba2 iseng foto pre wed gretongan dari temen....
gimana hasilnya??

31 Januari 2010

Kebaya Lamaran

Eventhough the lamaran is due next month, but I do feel a lot better when preparing myself...
Couldn't feel any happier when I googled kebaya lamaran...
God, don't you just looovveeee PINK??
I like the design, its very romantic and simple.. I love the puff sleeve on the shoulder...
Its already modificated to a modern kebaya but its OK..its still cute,tho...LOL
I might copy it and take it to the tailor rightaway but as I googled along, I found another design that looks wrilly cute...
I can pretty much imagine myself wearing one of these pretty kebaya....with batik and a simple updo and make up...
After long haul of googling, I called my favorite tailor of all time..MR. TATANG,asked him the price to made a kebaya and he said the price is around 300rb to 5Mil rupiah for a wedding kebaya...I'm still confused whether to made one or just simply rent it, Cami said if the price were about the same, I should made the kebaya..but as we all know, the price of making one kebaya could be more than 500rb... I can save A LOT by just rent it...
Hey, its global crisis right now..we should do everything to save anything that we can... Right guys??
Guarantee to make a second proposal maybe?? HAHA...ROTFL
Anyway, I've just checked out the other post that I send from my blackberry and it looks SUPERB...
More to come from the BB for sure...


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Kemarin baru googling2 pelaminan gebyok and this one was an eye catcher...
Full of fresh flowers but still traditional yet elegant....
I want my pelaminan to be as simple as it could but still elegant tho...
I wonder how much is it going to cost me?
Because the venue holds a quite high ceiling and I don't want to look like I'm going on a soap opera show right??
Hahaha...anyway I send this from email and wonder how its going to look like on the web

See u soon

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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

the Sty Lis Ta Getting Married

Setelah vakum ngeblog akhirnya mulai lagi deh ngeblog dan kali ini
Bener2 beda dari blog yang udah gw tulis sebelumnya...
Yap yap yap...as the title pronounced...
Me Getting Married...*jaws open*
Ada juga yaaa yang mau married sama gw...*hahahahah*
Anyway, starting from now its all goin to be about the preparation
Of a big day called marriage..the ups and downs, the glitz and glam
Etc etc....
Sooo far....this is what I have collected for the wedding:
Date: 27 November 2010
Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel or Sasono Adiguno TMII
Catering: from crowne itself or Shafa Catering
Decor: Shafa Catering or Kado Istimewa
Card: Pasar Tebet!!
Souvenir: Pasar Mester or Asemka
Adat: paes ageng Yogya for reception
Sooo far baru itu aja sih...blom ada yang deal jugaaa
Ill catch with it later....
Now...preparing for Lamaran....
